Thursday 12 November 2009

lego sushi

Is this not the coolest thing ever?

Sunday 8 November 2009


I've been waiting for ages to post this wee project!! This is what I sent to my bridesmaid's recently, I was sooo excited but had to wait till they arrived in NZ (and Australia) before I could share! These were originally done by the uber talented Anna Bond from Rifle Design... (who also shares a lot of her work on her blog, Rifle) She also does some guest posting on Once Wed with her DIY goodness which is where I found this little beauty. Loving it... and even better... all the girls said yes! :)

cine royal

Cine Royal is a branding job that the company I work for has recently completed... the website just went live and looks fantastic! Check it out...

Saturday 7 November 2009

troy jensen

Sexy photography by celeb photographer/make-up artist Troy Jensen. Don't his pics of Khloe Kardashian look absolutely stunning ..?!

friends of type

So I've just added Friends of Type to my google reader and I seriously can't get enough..!! Check it out..

Wednesday 4 November 2009

juliette cezzar

I'm feeling very inspired by the work of Juliette Cezzar... she has such a variety of work, and all of it so beautiful!

via we love typography

Monday 2 November 2009

b&w studio

I'm really liking this simple but brilliantly executed branding by B&W Studio, in the UK. Lots more of their work here.